
Welcome gift 5- My 200% and commitment to seeing you EXCEL!

My 200% &
Commitment to seeing you EXCEL!
(want the best things to happen to you
at all circumstances)

This is the hardest post to write. I don't know how to start and I don't know how to write it well such that you will not only understand but also handle the information maturely and respectfully. I will try my best to write it well. Here goes!

Some of you might not know, but I teach in FMSS under a 1 year contract where I can decide at the end of the year, if I want to stay in the school or leave the school. My first year in the school was with 4i 2007. After doing that stint, I did not want to continue in the school anymore for various personal reasons. However, I decided to take up the assignment in 2008, when they offered me amongst other things, 2i 2008. I took it up because of you 2i. Not because of the 'other things' they offered me.

At the end of 2008, I decided to continue teaching you, because I wanted to. Although there were several personal reasons that attracted me not to return to fmss, I still came back, because I want to be with you 1 more year, and if possible, see you graduate, and then stop teaching at fmss.

You might be wondering, why am I telling you all these?

I am not asking you to be grateful to me or tell me that you like me the most out of all the other good teachers the school has given you. It is also not a scheme to get your attention about how 'good' I am or how 'noble' I am, so that you will become inspired and changed by me or listen to me only. NO! I am not like this! Please don't misunderstand me. I know there are a lot of other teachers better than me and smarter than me. Let me tell you my reasons then:
  • I believe in telling each other honestly and openly what we have done for each other, instead of doing things in secret for each other and then getting upset in the end because the other person doesn't know your real concern for them or in a worse scenario, getting misunderstood by people whom you care for. (those of you who are in relationships could probably understand me very well on this aspect!)
Since this is the most heart-breaking- I don't want it to happen to myself.
  • So if truly I have sacrificed my time, money and energy, why should I keep it to myself? And now that I have told you, at least you will find out and realize there is someone who thinks you are important! If you don't think I am important to you, it is okay, because I won't stop caring for you just because of your actions.

  • In my life, with my own friends and parents, I practice sharing my honest opinions and feelings about them. For instance, with my very close friends, we will openly tell each other what is not good about each other, what we need to change, the things we have done for each other or the things we cannot do or accept about each other etc.

  • I want you to recognize that you can be secure in my inner circle and therefore be secure in the knowledge that I want the best for you, out of the best and the most I can give to you. I want you to do well, VERY well in fact, in your life, that's why I am putting in my best for you! My 200%!

  • There will be times I will correct you. If you can trust me and be secure in the knowledge that I am not an evil witch who simply wants to make things difficult for you when I correct you, you will not respond to me in irresponsible, rude or childish manners when I correct you.

  • If you can trust me and be secure in the knowledge that I just want the best for you at all circumstances, when I correct you, you will receive the correction willingly and joyfully, because you trust me, knowing that following what I say will bring you only good and no harm, although you might not be able to see or understand or agree with me YET why is my way of doing things GOOD.

  • But doesn't this define trust? If you truly truly say you trust a person, it means that despite the questions marks ringing in your head, you will still believe what the person says. THIS is REAL TRUST!

Now that I have practiced honesty and speaking the truth sincerely, it means that I am in an even more vulnerable position than before.

This is probably the reason why most people find it hard to pour their hearts out and lay every thought and feeling nakedly and openly. Most people like to hide things from each other and have difficulties in being honest with each other because they are scared of being hurt and because they cannot bring themselves to trust anyone else.

I have taken a huge risk today, asking for just 1 thing:

Believe that the thought that is always in my heart is to want the best things to happen to you at all circumstances-and for that I have returned to give you my 200% in 2009.

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