
Welcome gift 1- A blog just for your class

Miss Chang created this blog on 18th Nov 2008, and have since spent about 2 months planning the content, choosing the skin, combination of colors and fonts, and types of widget for you. After leaving my first posting as 'testingtestingasasbahhs' for 2 months'-just to see how the posting will appear on the screen, I am finally back today to finish all the introductory postings before my first class with you, on 6th Jan 2009(2 days from now!).

Setting up a blog for you has really taken up a lot of my personal time during the holidays, but strangely, neither do I find it a waste of my time nor burdensome. Although it gets tiring and frustrating (because I sit here for hours and hours thinking how I should type my posts and then eventually not typing anything because I am not satisfied with my ideas (- -)"), I can still say that I do enjoy this because putting effort into things for people whom I appreciate and like is never an irritating chore. (Like I tend to make gifts, bake cookies/cakes for close friends on special occasions). When people are important to me, I like to make gifts for them because handmade gifts are something they can either keep forever or something that is the most special on earth because they are made specially with my one and only love! Maybe some people like expensive presents, but to me, as I grow older, something that is made or written is worth more than expensive things. Not everyone has received things made by me! To some people- I am just not willing to sacrifice my time and effort for them, because they don't mean that much.. *OUCH* But if u are reading this blog, you should have had received handmade gifts from me!


* I have noticed that a lot of you spend hours and hours online. I thought: wouldn't it be great if I set up a blog and you can come read, learn new words and learn about new things happening around the world in a very stress free environment? * see the details i put in? green is good for the eyes, made the layout very clean so that it won't be confusing, made the fonts big so that it won't be hard to read, put in photos u can enjoy browsing through and music to help you relax! *

* Most of you are weak in writing because you lack the content and vocabulary. Here is a place where you can find content and new vocabulary!

* Remember the 20 or 40 marks question at the end of every comprehension? Here is where we can practice for that.

* I don't have to keep writing on the whiteboard, and I don't have to keep going to the photocopy room to print worksheets for you all!

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