
Welcome gift 3- Enjoy lessons from a macbook

Enjoy lessons from a macbook

Laptop bag

A convertor to plug the school cables into

Holders to prevent overheating

Silicon keyboard protector to keep keypad clean

My computer at home-but another one is worth it!

Some of you might remember my several complains of using a laptop that was slower than my grandmother's jogging pace. It was really frustrating coming to class with a laptop that was so slow and really inefficient planning lessons and worksheets with a laptop that should be banished to Wall-E land. As much as I tried to find a way around limitations and difficult situations, I like to depend on myself when others (1) can't help me (2) don't want to help me (3) I can't get any help from any human beings.

As such, I bought a macbook! It is really quite troublesome and expensive because you need to get so many other miscellaneous peripherals along with the macbook.

But I love my macbook and it is worth it because I get to plan things as I travel (unfortunately it means travel on public transport, not around the world), conduct classes really efficiently and beautifully, and have my classes be the only classes in the whole school that enjoy cool lessons from a cool computer.

Finding my way around difficult situations and making things work for myself instead of waiting for things to happen is my way of living.

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