

CYCLING at EAST COAST PARK on 28th Feb 2009!

The plan: Cycle from east coast park to airfields to look at planes
Meeting place:
Kallang MRT
Time: 1:15 pm for lunch first
Bring: $10 for the rental of bikes and a bit extra for meals (depending on how high class your meal is).

* If you don't want to eat lunch or can't make it at 1.15pm at Kallang, you can also meet us at east coast park at around 2.15pm.

* Take care of yourself when cycling- don't want you to be injured else your parents don't let you go out with your teacher next time.

Let Rayner or Marcus or Atiqah know, if you're coming. :)



"Your LIFE, Yours to CREATE!" - miss chang


From my heart (1)

Dear 3I,

I really should be sleeping and I really want to sleep now, but I can't sleep if I don't type this. Here goes..

One of the thing we learn as we grow up is the ability to put our emotions into compartments and
don't mix them up or take them out unnecessarily or take them out at the wrong time.
An example of mixing up emotions is when you had a bad day because of person A, but when you go out with person B on the same day, you show her an upset face and both of you cannot have a good time together.

An example of
taking out emotions unnecessarily is when your parents said something hurtful to you in the morning, and then when you turn up for the first period class, you say something hurtful to person A.

An example of
taking emotions out at the wrong time is when person A hurt you 2 weeks ago and then 2 weeks later, out of no where you suddenly tell person A you are not happy with her.

Unfortunately, like you, I am also learning how to put my emotions into compartments and learning how to put my own interests at the very bottom and your interests at the very top in my heart. I think I brought my weariness into the class today. I was tired, then I read the time table wrongly.. I am sorry I should have been stronger and not show my weariness to you at all because this is my own problem and I should not show it at all and I should solve it myself-> putting my emotions into compartments and not bringing them out.

I could have been more patient although most of you were not listening because I can always be more understanding and more patient and having chosen to be a teacher, I should be the queen of patience and queen of understanding.

But on the other hand, I think all of you also need to work on listening when I am going through answers. This is because if you don't listen, you don't learn from your mistakes and that is not good for 2 reasons. Firstly, we as human beings, make a lot of mistakes. Second, every piece of worksheet contains your precious and valuable effort! So do bring something useful back into your brain to keep with u so that you can take it out another time and use it, e.g. exams, conversations with friends/relatives, writing, ordering food at restaurant etc.

I was upset when I walked out. I was thinking how could I have handled it better. Sigh. In fact I am still upset at myself now. I was also wondering.. the closer I get to all of you, the easier and the more I will be hurt by your actions and your words because when a person means a lot to you, what they do and what they say matters so much more and if these things are not nice, they will hurt much more than what a person whom you don't care for at all says and does. This really frightens me a lot whenever I think about it... But it is also true that after one gets hurt, God can heal us easily if we ask Him. Therefore, I choose to try again and not give up or stop...

Okay... so... let us try again... \( - -.)"/

Yours sincerely,
Miss Chang



What is education for
if one does not aspire to go to University?


"Choose a job you love,
and you will never have to work a day in your life."



"It's never too late, or, in any case, too early to be whoever you want to be.
There's no time limit, stop whenever you want.
You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it.
I hope you make the best of it.

And I hope you see the things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope you meet people with a different point of view.

I hope you live a life you're proud of.
If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
- Benjamin Button (from the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), in a letter to his daughter.



When a GIRL is quiet ... million of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.
When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not fine at all.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying.
When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.
When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it.
When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who keeps his promises to you.
Who cares for old people.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead only.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how blessed he is to have you.
Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "


With Valentine's day coming, I think this post is something you would enjoy reading!


1. When you see a lady struggling with heavy bags, offer to carry them for her. Even if she tells you it is okay, just take the bags from her hand gently, smile and say 'Please don't refuse it, now just let me do it!'
*Don't carry those bags at the shoulder-a bit sissy. Just carry it with your hand

2. When you are entering a room, a place or a bus, let the lady walk through the door first by stepping behind the lady and if she doesn't get it, tell her 'You may go first'.

3. When you are going to sit down, push the chair out for the girl and help her to put her bag(s) on another chair.

4. A gentleman doesn't curse and swear.

5. If you are at the same table and she likes eating prawns, shell 1 prawn for the girl.
*Just 1, not too many cos you still must remain cool

6. If you are having dinner with a girl, get her favorite food for her and put them on her plate with a smile.

7. Send a girl home regardless of the time- be it in the afternoon or late at night, and ask the girl to message you once she has reached home.

8. A gentleman doesn't get drunk or try and get a girl drunk. He stays sober so that he can protect the girl by not letting her come to any harm and send the girl home.

9. A gentleman observes that a girl is cold and lends his jacket to a girl before she even asks.

10. A gentleman is also confident of himself-the way he talks, walks and behave.
*confident is not over-confident


1. An outstanding lady doesn't throw her tantrums just so that someone will come and comfort her.

2. An outstanding lady controls her emotions even when she interacts with difficult people because she can put herself in the shoes of others and be understanding.

3. Even when an outstanding lady is not feeling good, she will not vent her frustrations on others just because she had a bad day. She is not this selfish. She cares about the needs of others more than she cares about herself.

4. An outstanding lady doesn't curse or swear when she is upset. She will reflect through things and find a solution.

5. An outstanding lady is not quarrelsome. She reasons in sincerity and humility but never criticizes or insult others.

6. An outstanding lady opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

7. An outstanding lady speaks gently and is always patient to listen to others.

8. An outstanding lady doesn't get jealous easily and always believes in the goodness of others.

9. An outstanding lady has her own life and is not lonely when she is alone. She doesn't always need to have someone to be with her so that she will be happy.

10. An outstanding lady will observe that there is something bothering her friend and be just there to comfort and support him and won't ask too many questions until he starts saying them.

11. An outstanding lady doesn't find her confidence in makeup and pretty clothes, bags and shoes. She will still be as confident without makeup, pretty clothes, bags and shoes.

12. An outstanding lady can go home on her own and not have to be sent because she understands it is very tiring for the person to make an extra trip.

13. An outstanding lady does not make demands on others, especially unreasonable ones.

14. An outstanding lady is understanding.

15. An outstanding lady is game for sports and adventure and is not afraid of trying.

CROSS COUNTRY 2009- SO SO happy that you came!

Dear students! :)

To all who comes to my blog and actually read something out of your own accord (own choice) and not me shamelessly projecting my blog to you over English class and making you read what I have written, THANKS!! :) After I write something, I really badly want someone to read! hehehe. BADLY- because I am the kind of person who doesn't like putting effort into something that is meaningless! :) So when I know there are people reading, I am happy because my time and energy is not wasted!

My cross country was fun today because of all of you! I don't know about other teachers but for me, going to school is fun everyday because I get to see all of you, impart something to you all, and talk to all of you. Basically- YOU are the reason why I am in school. That's why I always ask you all to be present in class or events outside of school because the more of you are present, the better my day will be!

Okay lah, I am not bragging or exaggerating or trying to suck up to you, but if you think about it, do you think the reason why I go to school is that I love to meet the other teachers and collect the money? Can that be the first thing on my mind when I wake up everyday at 6.15am (- -)" -.- and sing the national anthem when no one else in the whole school is singing. come on! I had my turn of singing when I was primary 1 to Junior College 2(12years!!!), now at 26, still must continue to sing marikitayat! How boring and mundane is that, but i still do it!! : | But yeah, back to it, having money is a bonus but if I don't like seeing all of you, I don't think any amount of money will make me happy. So yes, I am so happy I have you 3I! :)

ANYWAY 3I, thanks for being at cross country today! SO MANY OF YOU CAME!!! I was so happy :D I was glad the 30 over pieces of cake I baked yesterday didn't go to waste because a lot of you came and got to taste it! :) *thanks eric for encouraging your friends to be here! :) And thanks to others whom I don't know because you didn't tell me that you were also encouraging your friends to come! :)

The standard of cake today is only average, can be better actually! I was doing work on the computer until I forgot that I was actually baking the cake!! So the standard of cake was not my best ok :) Still hope you all like it, in a way it was A VALENTINE'S DAY PRESENT TO YOU ALL, especially for those singles out there! :)

I was assigned to be one of the finish judges for the cross country. The other teachers who were finish judges were Mr Glen Tan, Mr Joel Li and Mrs Lim Hui Ling. I reached the school at 650am and we were supposed to stand at the finishing point and give out the position tags to the runners. It was not as easy as it seems because there were times when there were a whole lot of people running in from different levels and they were confusing us! However, we were sharp and clear minded and could still see who was the faster runner. It was also tiring because we could only leave when the last runner finishes the race.

All of our class's competitor runners came in like above 45 or 47! That is awesome! Because only marks are awarded to the top 45 positions! Then well done to those who ran mass run and finished it too!! Because I understand how gruelling the race can be but you finished it!! There must have been times when you felt almost like dying, out of breath, that everyday step felt like it would kill you, but still you continued, endured and persevered! I am proud of those who ran :) For those who walked and didn't run, I would say it is also a big step for you too because you too finished walking when usually, you wouldn't even come. Well done everyone!

Actually, reflecting about it, the journey of our life is really like running a cross country. At certain points, it is SUPER hard to carry on and we feel like giving up on everyone and everything!(like stopping and not running) But if you bite your teeth and continue to endure the discomfort by not thinking about it and thinking about other things that make you happy, you will find that it is not that hard to carry on going forward and not just stopping there. Then at the end of the day, when you reach certain points of your life, you will find people cheering for you and waiting for you and you realized that the effort you have put in was not all in vain and it wasn't so difficult afterall to not give up because the taste of achievement at the end was really sweet and enjoyable! :)

To end off, I hope none of you felt like it was a time wasted and you have brought home with you today, some good memories of the cross country!

Yours sincerely,
Miss Chang



If we cannot choose our circumstances
We can choose our response to them.

If we cannot choose who we are
We can always choose to become something more.

To stop choosing is to start dying.



Exams are temporary BUT



"Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is God's gift- that's why we call it the present"- Joan Rivers

The clock is running
Time waits for no man
Make the most of everyday