
Inspiring quotes (7)

Studying is training yourself to overcome hardships.

Also, people can't live alone. They learn to live together.

School is a place for you to learn things like that.



Dear students,

For e-learning


School ID= FMSS

Password= You should know your password

Extended dateline= 24/3/09

* please let me know if you cannot log into your lead account, or if you have forgotten your password. I will help you to reset your password.

Miss Chang


Model essay

Last Saturday, I went to the Botanic Gardens with my family for a jog. When I entered Botanic Gardens, I saw a group of Japanese with their Japanese guide. The guide was clutching onto a flag and followed behind by a group of his countrymen. They smiled and nodded as we passed by them.

Next, I came to the pond and I saw 2 beautiful swans and some turtles. As I looked around, I was captivated by the lush greenery and serenity of the surroundings. As my family and I continued to jog, we saw some paths, familiar nooks and wooden lanes. We stopped to admire a winsome child, and someone's handsome looking grey hound. As we were about to pat the dog, it immediately gave us an angry look and barked at us. Thus, we carried on jogging.

This time, we came to another pond. We stopped jogging and decided to feed the swans and turtles. After 30 minutes of feeding the animals in the pond, we decided to continue jogging for another half an hour. As we were jogging, all of a sudden, we saw 3 small squirrels running away from the shrill symphony of the cicadas.

At the end of the day, we felt very tired as we have jogged for almost 2 hours in the Botanic Gardens. We decided to go to a nearby hawker centre for dinner.

Done by: Kassandra

Model Essays

Last weekend, I visited Botanic Gardens for a jog with my friends. When we entered the Botanic Garden, people smiled and nodded at us and even said "hello", including the Japanese! We were all taken aback as we have never came across these types of friendly gestures in the Botanic Gardens before. It was at this point that I realized more and more men and women are discarding their inhibitions and their shyness in the Botanic Gardens.

As we were jogging along the way, I stopped to admire the beautiful pond which had 4 swans and some turtles. I went to the nearby store to buy a loaf of bread and began to feed the swans and watch the scurrying turtles scramble for their share. After 15 minutes, I resumed jogging and went past a beautiful flowering bush, squirrels and cicadas.

At the end of the day, I wondered to myself what would we do without this oasis of greenery in the Botanic Gardens. We went back with a smile on our faces after the tranquil and enjoyable time at the Botanic Gardens.

Done by: Joshua

Model essay

Last Saturday, I went to the Botanic Gardens with my friends for a picnic. It was just the right the weather for a fun time out. I have not been to the Botanic Gardens for quite a long time, so we decided to go there.

When I entered the Botanic Gardens, I saw lush greenery. Beautiful smelling flowers everywhere comforted me. My friends and I were trying to find a perfect spot to have our picnic.

As we were walking, a Japanese guide clutching a small flag and trailed by a group of his countrymen, smiled and nodded my way. I failed to returned his friendly gesture and felt guilty. We walked and walked, hoping to find a good spot for picnic. We saw many trees, squirrels, owners walking their dogs and even people smiling at each other.

We finally found a perfect spot by the pond. We settled down and prepared for our picnic. After i ate, I decided to go sit by the pond to breathe in some fresh air. I fed the swans and watched the scurrying turtles scramble for their share.

My friends and I talked and played games. We joked around and chased the birds. I laid my head down and the serenity of the surroundings seen to be panacea for what ails us. We ended the day and went home feeling great that we all spent some time together.

Done by: Isabel

Commonly mis-spelled words (1)

These were the words that were spelled wrongly in the worksheet 'Ways to describe movement' and 'Ways to describe feelings'.

Learn the correct spelling today!

1. soldier
2. minutes
3. confiscate
4. prepare
5. embarrassed/embarrass
6. disgruntled
7. pedestrian
8. committed suicide
9. theatre
10. praised/praise
11. crept/creep
12. general office
13. even though
14. disown
15. stop/stopped
16. ram/rammed
17. stealing
18. despite
19. Philippines
20. mountain
21. partner
22. quarrelled
23. sprained
24. although
25. dropped
26. keep/kept
27. plan/planned
28. mistake me/mistook me
29. haunted
30. field


Can you still remember the meanings behind these words?

1. Surprised
2. Disgruntled
3. Contented
4. Perky
5. Pained
6. Puzzled
7. Terrified
8. Sorrowful
9. Embarrassed
10. Irked


Can you still remember the meanings behind these words?

1. Dash/Dashed
2. Stumble/Stumbled
3. Sprint/Sprinted
4. Slide/Slid
5. Creep/crept
6. Hobble/hobbled
7. Leap/leaped
8. Trek/trekked
9. Tiptoe/tiptoed
10. Saunter/sauntered



beautiful.. simple and moving.

DO YOU HAVE ANY DREAMS? thinking of it makes your heart races? (stop the background music and play this video while reading)

I had a dream before- of playing music for a living!
I guess I wasn't dreaming because I really tried my best to fulfill it, young and helpless as I was.
At 15, it became very clear in my head that I wanted to sing and play songs for people. I like it! I was very happy even singing and playing songs to myself for hours...

Unfortunately, there wasn't money in the family for me to study music. I decided to help myself instead of blame my parents, so I started working at 15 to save some money- saved all the way to 24, where I finally managed to record my own songs. (Back then, it was very hard to record your own songs unlike now, because technology was bad and gadgets were super expensive). Ironically, these songs I recorded were all songs played on the guitar, which I picked up at 23. Thus, those songs I recorded do sound a bit kiddy-like for primary school students- I recalled some of you commenting when I played those songs for you all. I should really record songs using the piano because I learnt piano since 5 and I am better at piano, although I know I am not like a fantastic player. But since songs done on piano needs a lot more effort and thought than the guitar, I took the easy way out to just play and sing on the guitar instead.

But anyway, while listening to this song today, I wondered to myself and also to you:

Something that makes your heart race a little faster at the thought of it?
Something that makes you willing to give up some things for others?
Something that makes you strong and determined?
Something that gives you the ability to endure and work very hard for it?
Something that you would do alone despite what others think or say about you?
Something that might make you lonely if you do it but you know you will be happy because it is so important and matters so much to you?

It's important to have dreams in our lives because
we only live this life ONCE.

There must and should be something you want to achieve, that at 55years old when you look back, you can be proud that you have led a brave and adventurous life!
This dream kept me working and working since 15 years old. Be it the goal of earning a lot of money to buy instruments and recording equipment, join singing classes, read up more so I can write better lyrics, get into top schools so I can be more cultured etc. I think I was probably crazy and stupid. I really planned a lot of little things but I did not do anything big. I hated queuing up to join singing competitions, so I did not join. (oh, to be fair, my best friend did actually drag me to an ocean butterfly record company competition where I couldn't really care about the makeup and the clothes I was wearing...got into top few percentage and got selected for courses but I did not want to spend the huge amount of money (and I didn't have money anyway..haha!) so I didn't join the class) I was too cool and stubborn, haha. And now.. at 26.. nah.. I don't want to be a singer anymore.

In my opinion, I tried all that I could do..Although there were certain things I couldn't change, certain people who distracted me, many mistakes I made, wrong people whom I trusted too deeply, in the end I really have myself to blame only because my life is in my own hands. I had a character too careful, a heart too cowardly, sometimes too lazy and not trying even harder.

Yes. So although at 26, I am a teacher not a musician, I would say I am happy because I tried to do what I think was the best I could give. If I didn't try, I would have wasted living, lived a life with regrets.

I still enjoy music a lot and I am still trying to pen songs for fun although my current job is draining me of time, energy, creativity and life. There are different positions for different people in this world. There are only a few people who make it to the very top, and even if a person doesn't make it big and famous, it doesn't mean the person is a failure. I am not at the top. I am not famous. I am not powerful. But I am satisfied because I am living just the life I want to live.

We need to decide how we want to live. But first, we must
1. Discover what we are happy at doing
2. Overcome our fears and fight for the life we want!

Perhaps in the end, we don't get there...
But the joy really comes from the process of trying hard
and fighting to live a life where you remain
true to yourself

In fact, sometimes life gets even better because while pursuing for the dream, you will discover new things you didn't know you were actually good at!

I discovered teaching! However, although I like teaching in a way... there is a chance one day I will take a break from teaching- when I cannot take it anymore...

But I will never really stop playing and singing and writing songs..
I am not giving up my childhood dream in a way... :)

You only live once.

You only live once.
"Work for your future today. Tell someone they matter to you today."

Because You only live once, time cannot be reversed, and people won't be there all the time.



I am not really a photo person as you can tell. So I am sorry if your photos are not here! I am just too lazy to take photos most of the time. But thinking of it now, I really should have taken more photos!

For example the stunts pictures, the roller blading pictures, the falling down pictures, the ones learning how to cycle, those who were very fast ahead, and all the expressions on our faces towards the end of the day when.... ;) you know what happened.

Hope those of you who came had fun and took home some fond memories! :)

i did! :D